Q&A with Merritt Maxim of Forrester Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m extremely passionate
Category: Data & Analytics
Data becomes so complex that it is nearly impossible to work with existing data infrastructure and analysis techniques. My suite of data technology includes: 1) Real-Time Stream Processing (providing in-memory analytics, ETL, and CEP); 2) Ad-Hoc NoSQL Query (providing interactive fine-grained analytics); and 3) Batch Processing (providing off-line analytics over large volumes). Talk to me about he world of SQL vs. NoSQL, proprietary vs. open source.
My experience in analytics started when I spearheaded a data mining workbench at Teradata in 1996 that included machine learning algorithms including rule induction, decision tree, kohonen clustering, deep learning neural networks, and a host of others. I’ve been a student of ML and AI since 1988, and using it across large datasets over two decades before it became a huge focus of innovation.
The Beginning of Your Digital Identity This somewhat dates me (as I just recently celebrated
The following were a few Big Data companies that I was keeping an eye on
“Dad, if my character dies in the game, would I die in the real world?”
Bynet Team Photo (left to right, top to bottom) Top Row: John Wright, Jim (Hjerpe) Kaskade, Sumit
Remember the days when we were debating the definition of “Cloud”? That was as recent as
My favorite writer, Gil Press, sums it up with, “It’s Official: The Internet Of Things
What do you get when you combine Big Data technologies….like Pig and Hive? A flying
SAP customers are confused about the positioning between SAP Sybase IQ and SAP Hana as
What’s a $15B powerhouse in information technology (IT) and professional services doing with an open source