Question: “How did this happen?” Answer: “…these kinds of things are now inevitable”. I have
Category: Security
Or more appropriately described as Information Security, which means protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, perusal, inspection, recording or destruction.
The terms information security, computer security and information assurance are frequently used interchangeably, sharing the common goals of protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.
My interests lie in the disruption of the security market by applying new technologies such as cloud computing. Of particular interest to me is the use of cloud to deploy “security as a service” which ultimately drives down cost, lightens the complexity of the client application, improves end-point performance, supports uniform policy, centralizes management, and delivers zero latency when it comes to deployment.
I can’t tell my wife about any of the details of our new home security
The Beginning of Your Digital Identity This somewhat dates me (as I just recently celebrated
Reprinted from Sys-Con Media and The Security community has a growing number of influential and
Based on a survey sent to over 200 CISOs (see Justin Somaini, Yahoo! CISO, survey
Compliance Is Key Are compliance standards a subset of security concerns, or is security basically
For a company to effectively implement an enterprise security plan, the risks that are associated
Networks, Servers and Endpoints Security monitoring and management of an organization’s network, server, and endpoints
Application and Process Enterprises need to proactively protect their business-critical applications from external and internal
Data and Information When enterprises begin to use public cloud computing offerings, they receive the